Farmer Loan Type
Home > Sugar Mill > Farmer Loan
Steps to create Farmer Loan Type
Step 1: Go to Farmer Loan Type list and click on "Add Farmer Laon"
Step 2:
Loan Name: Enter the name of loan type
Maximum Loan Amount: Enter the maximum amount for loan type
Loan Amount for Acres: Enter the loan amount per acres
Rate Of Interest (%) Yearly: Enter the interest in % format for loan
Period for Repayment (In Year): Enter the number of installments
Branch: Enter branch name
Description: Enter any other information in description box
Step 3: Account Details
Mode of Payment: Enter the mode of payment for loan
Account Paid To: Select the account name for loan payment
Account Interest Paid To: Select the account name for interest payment
Account Interest Credit: Select the account name for Interest credit payment
Step 4: Click on "Save"