Farmer Loan Application
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Steps to create Farmer Loan Application
Step 1: Go to Farmer Loan Application list and Click on "Farmer Loan Application"
Step 2:
Posting Season: Select the posting season
Posting Date: Posting date will auto filled as per current date
Vendor Type: Select the vendor type like Farmer or Transporter. If you are doing farmer loan application then please select "Farmer"
Applicant: Enter the applicant id
Applicant Name: Applicant name of farmer will auto fetch from applicant id
Status: Status of the loan application will display here
Address: Address of farmer will auto fetch from applicant id
Total Area in Acres (एकर क्षेत्र): Total number of plots for loan
Loan Amount: Loan amount of farmer
Loan Type: Enter the loan type
Branch: Enter the branch name
Rate of Interest: Rate of interest will auto fetch from loan type
Repayment Period in Years: Installment numbers will auto fetch from loan type
Repayment Method: Select the repayment method from Deduction from cane bill, etc.
Step 3: Bank Details
Farmer Bank Name: Enter the farmer bank name
Farmer Bank IFSC Code: Enter the bank IFSC code
Farmer Account Number: Enter farmer account number
Step 4: Plot and Installment Details
Plot No: Plots are registered with farmer name. All registered plots with respect to farmer will display here.
Total Area in Acres (एकर क्षेत्र): Total area of acres like 3 acres, 2 acers, etc.
Check: Mark those plots which are approved for loan
Season: Installment season will auto fetch from number of installment e.g. if number of installments are 2 then season will be 2023-24 and 2024-25.
Installment: Installment amount will auto fetch from loan type
Rate of Interest: Rate of interest will auto fetch from loan type
Grantor: Enter the surety code of grantor
Surety Name: Surety name will auto fetch from surety code
Village: Village name of surety will auto fetch from surety name
Supplier: If loan type is drip irrigation then enter the supplier code
Supplier Name: Supplier name for drip irrigation will auto fetch from supplier code
Bank Name: Enter bank name of supplier
IFSC Code: Enter IFSC code of branch
Account Number: Enter the account number of supplier
Account Paid To: Select the account type for amount payable
Account interest Paid To: Select the account type for interest paid
Account interest Credit: Select the account type for interest credit
Step 4: Click on "Save"