LIC Deduction

Steps :

o   Navigate to LIC Deduction

o   Add Lic Deduction

o   Select Employee Id

o   Click Add Row on child Table Policy Details

o   Select Policy Type ( Policy Type is master data already contains values of different policy types available )

o   Select Policy Name (Policy Name contains all values of different policies respective to policy type)

o   Click on Edit Row

o   Enter Installment Amount to be paid and select frequency ( Monthly,yearly,quarterly)

o   Once Installment amount is entered ,  You can select start date

o   End Date is Date when you policy gets end

o   Depending on Difference between start date and end date and frequency ,  total installments are auto calculated and displayed

o   You can add Payment start end and payment end date to start for installments

o   Check box Disabled is used to stop policy of hold policy for next installments

o   Once this form is saved, In connections you can see employee installments


In employee installments ,

o   You get details of all installments payment date and if it is paid or pending to be paid

o   This installment is paid monthly basis on every date of payment mentioned

o   Once it is processed in salary payroll for month , the status changes to is paid and completed