Subcontracting Process
Foundry > Subcontracting
Steps to create Subcontracting
Step 1: Go to subcontracting list and click on "Add Subcontracting"
Step 2:
Series: Select the series as per the requirement
Company: Select the company name from dropdown
Supervisor Id: Enter the supervisor id of who will be supervising the casting treatment
Supervisor Name: Name will be auto fetched from supervisor id
Vehicle No: Enter the vehicle number which will be used to transport the subcontracting material
Posting Date & Time: Posting date and time will be auto filled as per real time
Source Warehouse: Enter the source warehouse of raw material
Target Warehouse: Enter the target warehouse of finish item
Dispatch For: Enter the dispatch reason like process or rework
IN Or OUT: Enter the subcontracting type. If material is going for subcontracting then select as "OUT". If material is received after then please select as "IN"
Step 3.1: If subcontracting type is "OUT"
Item Group: Select the item group for subcontracting item
Subcontracting Operations: Select the subcontracting operation type
Raw Item Code: Enter the raw item code which is sent for subcontracting
Raw Item Name: Item name will be auto fetched from item code
Source Warehouse: Enter the source warehouse of raw material
Target Warehouse: Enter the finish product warehouse
Available Quantity: Available quantity of raw material from source warehouse will auto fetched
Total Production QTY: Total quantity will auto calculate as per entered data
Step 3.1: If subcontracting type is "IN"
Challan No: Enter delivery challan number
Challan Date: Enter Challan date
IN Entry Type: Select type of entry
Step 3.1.1: Subcontracting with order
Check mark on "With Order"
Select Linking Option: Select the order type as blanket order or purchase order
Blanket Order / Purchase Order: Select the order id
Step 3.1.2: Subcontracting without order
Remove check mark of subcontracting with order
All raw materials of subcontracted materials will shown in "Out Subcontracting list"
Step 4: Taxes and Charges
Sales Taxes and Charges Template: Auto select as per address. System will auto calculate the GST cost as per template
Step 5: Address Details
Billing & Shipping Address: Billing address will be auto fetched from address doctype of supplier
Company Address: Company address will be auto fetched from company setup
Step 6: Subcontracting Details (Enter this data only if subcontracting type is "IN")
IN Finished Item Subcontracting (For Finish items)
IN Item Code, IN Item Name, Subcontracting, Operation : This data will auto fetched from details tab.
OK QTY: Enter the OK quantity count of "IN" quantity
CR QTY: Enter the CR quantity count of "IN" quantity
MR QTY: Enter the MR quantity count of "IN" quantity
RW QTY: Enter the RW quantity count of "IN" quantity
Target Warehouse: Enter the target warehouse for each item
Total In, OK, CR, MR, RW, AS IT IS QTY: Auto calculate the total count of "IN" quantities
IN Raw Item Subcontracting (For Raw Material)
IN Item Code, Raw Item Code, Raw Item Name, Source Warehouse, Actual Required Quantity, Weight Per Unit, Total Required Weight: This data will be auto fetched from details tab.
Quantity: Enter the quantity of received raw material
IN Rejected Items Reasons Subcontracting (Rejection Reasons)
Rejection Reason: Enter the rejection reason
Rejection Type: Enter type of rejection
Finished Item Code: Enter finished item code of rejection
Raw Item Code: Enter raw item code for finished product
Quantity: Enter the rejected quantity
Source Warehouse: Enter the source warehouse of raw material
Target Warehouse: Enter the target warehouse of finished material
Weight Per Unit: This will be auto calculated as per per quantity of item
Total Rejected Weight: Total weight quantity will be auto calculated from weight per unit.
Step 7: Bifurcation Out Subcontracting
Subcontracting, Raw material details, OK, CR, MR, RW, Production (out, remaining, done item) details, Weight Per Unit, Total Finished Weight: This data is auto fetched from previous info