Pattern Master
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Steps to create Pattern Master
Prerequisite for Pattern Master:
Production Details
Casting Items
Core Items
Weight Details
Sand Item Details
Step 1: Go to Pattern Master and click on "Add Pattern Master"
Series: Series will be auto selected as per doctype
Company: Select the company name from dropdown
Pattern ID: We have to create a new item for each pattern. Enter the new pattern id. This field only allows the items whose item group is a pattern.
Pattern Name: Pattern name will be auto fetched from pattern id.
Drawing Number: Enter the drawing number of pattern
Pattern Owner: Pattern will be decided by the customer or the company will decide how the pattern should be
Customer Name: If pattern is decided by customer then enter the customer name
Quality Type: Select the quality type of pattern i.e. Not applicable, Not required, etc.
Step 2: Production Details
Mould Quantity Per Hour: Enter the quantity of mould that are formed in one hour
Mould Stand weight:
Match Plate Size: Enter the pattern plate size
Pattern Type: Enter the pattern type
Box Per Heat:
Grade: Enter the grade for pattern
Pattern Life: Pattern life depends on number of items to be produced from this pattern. Enter the pattern life in number format
Step 3: Casting Material Details
Casting Item Code: Enter the casting item code which will use for casting
Casting Item Name: Item name will be auto fetched from item code
Weight Per Unit In Kg: Weight details will be auto fetched from item code
Quantity Per Box: Enter the quantity of product after casting process
UOM: UOM of casting item
Step 4: Core Item Details
Casting Item Code: Enter data as per above. This allows you multiple core for single casting
Core Item Code: Enter the core item code. This only allows the core item whose item group is core.
Step 5: Weight Details
Total Box Weight: Enter the mould box weight.
Total Casting Weight Per Box: This value will be auto calculated from total box weight
RR Weight Per Box: The RR weight will be calculated from total box weight
No. of Cavities Per Box: The number of quantity of casting per box. This will be calculated from total weight.
Step 6: Moulding Sand Details
Sand Item Code: Enter the sand item code
Sand Item Name: Sand item name will be auto fetched from item code
Quantity in KG: Enter the quantity of sand item in kg format.
Step 7: Casting Treatment
*Note: Please enter casting treatments in correct sequence, This sequence will be used for routing as well as casting treatment
Casting Treatment: This column indicates the casting treatment for pattern i.e. shot blasting, Fettling, etc.
Finished Target Warehouse: This warehouse indicate target warehouse for casting treatment after casting treatment process
Casting Items Code: Enter the casting item id which used in casting treatment with respect to that casting treatment
Casting Item Name: Item name will auto fetch from casting item id
Raw Item Code: If any casting treatment needed other than raw materials then add that item id in this field. This Raw material will shown on casting treatment process.