Home > Foundry >Entries > Pouring
Steps to create Pouring Entries
Prerequisite for Pouring Entries
Supervisor Master
Operator Master
Furnace Master
Rejection Reason Master
Laddel Master
Power Consumption Master
Shift Master
Step 1: Go to pouring and click on " Add Pouring"
Series: Series will be auto selected as per doctype
Company: Select the company from dropdown list
Heat Date: Date will be auto filled from current date in date format "DD/MM/YYYY"
Time: Time will be auto filled from current type
Furnace: Enter the correct furnace name. All pouring and grade data depends on furnace capacity.
Supervisor Id: Enter the supervisor id of who will be supervising the pouring process
Supervisor Name: Name will be auto fetch from supervisor id
Branch Name: Enter the branch name
Operator Id: Enter operator id who will be operating the pouring process
Operator Name: Name will be auto fetched from operator id
Moulding Contractor: Enter contractor id
Moulding Contractor Name: Name will be auto fetched from Id
Charge Mix: Enter grade type
Heat Number: Enter heat number
Sift: Enter shift timing of pouring
Step 2: Pattern Details
Pattern Code: Enter the pattern code which is going to be use for pouring process
Pattern Name: Pattern name will be auto fetched from pattern id
Poured Boxes: Enter total number of poured boxes during the pouring process
Grade: Grade will be auto fetched from pattern name
*Note: After entering the pattern details casting, raw material details will beauto fetched from the pattern master
Step 3: Casting Details
Casting Item Code: Casting item will be auto fetched from pattern master. This indicates the casting item code
Casting Item Name: This indicates the casting item name
Pattern Code: Pattern code is same as above.
Quantity Per Box: This quantity is calculated from pattern master. This is quantity of product after the casting treatment.
Total Weight: Total weight of product after casting treatment
Step 4: Grade and Raw Material Details
Select Grade: Grade will be auto selected from pattern master
Grade Type: Enter grade type
Raw Material Code: Raw item list will be auto fetched from pattern master.
Raw Item Name: Raw material item name will be auto fetched from item code
Raw Item Group: This indicates the raw item group name as per item name
Warehouse: This indicates the warehouse of raw item
Available Quantity: This quantity is calculated from raw item available in warehouse
Required Quantity: This quantity calculated from pattern master. It indicates the required quantity of raw material for pouring process
Used Quantity: This indicates the actual used quantity of raw material for pouring process
Total Consumed Weight: This weight auto calculates from used quantity of raw material
*Note: "Total Pouring Weight" must be less than "Total Consumed Weight"
Step 5: Retained Items
Item Code: This data indicates the remaining juice from the pouring process and also, RR quantity, etc.
Item Name: Item name of retained item will be auto fetched from item code
Target Warehouse: The retained item will go in target warehouse
Total Quantity: Enter total quantity of retained item.
Step 6: Moulding Sand Details
Sand Item Code: Enter the sand item code
Sand Item Name: Sand item name will be auto fetched from item code
Warehouse: This indicated the warehouse of sand moulding
Available Quantity: This quantity indicates the available quantity in warehouse of sand
Required Quantity: It indicates the required quantity of sand for moulding process
Step 7: Weight Details
Total RR Weight: Total weight will be auto calculated from pattern master
Total Pouring Weight: Its an casting weight of product
Total Sand Weight: Sand weight for moulding
Normal Loss: Its an difference between pouring weight and consumed weight
Step 8: Laddel Temperature
Laddel: Enter the laddel name
First Box Temperature: Its a temperature of first box during the pouring
Last Box Temperature: Its a temperature of last box during the pouring
Weight: Weight of Laddel
Step 9: Time Reading
Enter start time of the pouring
Enter end time of the pouring
System will auto calculate the total time of poring
Step 10: Power Consumption
Power Reading Initial: Enter the electricity reading before the pouring
Power Reading Final: Enter the electricity reading after the pouring
Power Consumed: System will auto calculate the total power consumed for pouring process
Box Pouring Time: From the total power consumed for pouring process system will auto calculate the time pouring time for one box
Tapping Temperature: The temperature of laddel
Pouring Temperature: The temperature when we start the pouring
Step 11: Core Item Details
Casting Item Code: Enter as per above. This allows you multiple core for single casting
Core Item Code: Enter the core item code. This only allows the core item whose item group is core.
Core Item Name: Core item name will be auto fetched from item code
UOM: UOM of core item as per item master
Warehouse: Warehouse of the core item
Stock: Available stock quantity in warehouse of core item
Required Quantity: Required quantity of core item for casting treatment
Used Quantity: Actual used quantity if core item for casting treatment
Step 12: Casting Treatment Analysis
Pattern ID: This indicates the pattern id for casting treatment
Casting Item Code: Casting item id for
Casting Item Name: Item name will be auto fetched from id
Casting Treatment: This indicates the casting treatment with respect to casting item
Casting Quantity To Treatment: Total casting item quantity for casting treatment