Traccar - Live Location Tracker

Traccar Overview:

Traccar is an open-source GPS tracking platform used for real-time tracking of vehicles, assets, and personnel. It consists of both server-side and client-side software components, enabling users to monitor their fleet or assets via web interfaces or mobile apps. Traccar supports various GPS tracking devices and protocols, making it flexible and compatible with a wide range of hardware. It is popular among businesses, organizations, and individuals seeking efficient asset management and monitoring solutions.

Traccar Client and Server Communication:

  1. Server Requirement: Ensure you have a dedicated server.

  2. Our Server URL: ""

  3. Device Identifier: Upon installing the application, you will receive a unique device identifier. Use this identifier to add the device to the Traccar server for efficient location tracking.

  4. GitHub link:

API Details:

To Save Location on Traccar Server:

  • Base URL: ""

  • Query Parameters:

    • id: Unique device ID

    • timestamp: Latest timestamp in milliseconds

    • lat: Current latitude

    • lon: Current longitude

  • Method: POST

Please check following example: