H and T Master

Sugar Mill > Farm Master > H & T Master.

Steps to Create H and T Master in ERPNext.

Prerequisite for H and T Contract:

  1. Plant (Branch)

  2. Contract Type

  3. Group Leader Code (H and T Group)

  4. Farmer Registration

Step 1: Go to H and T Master and Click on "Add H and T Master".

Step 2:

  1. Plant Name: Select the Plant ( Branch).

  2. Agreement No.: Enter Agreement Number.

  3. Contract Date: Enter Contract Date.

  4. Contract Type: Select Contract Type.

  5. Advance:

    • YES: Select "YES" if advance payment is applicable.

    • NO: Select "NO" if advance payment is not applicable.

  6. Group Leader Code: Select the Group Leader Code (H and T Group). Once the Group Leader Code is selected, Group Leader Name gets automatically Fetched.

  7. Vendor TR Code (वाहतूकदार कोड): Select the Farmer's Code. Once the Vendor TR Code is is selected, Transporter's Name and Village gets automatically Fetched.

  8. Vendor HR Code (कोड): Select the Farmer's Code. Once the Vendor HR Code is selected, Harvester's Name is automatically fetched.

  9. Security Deposit(%): Enter Security Deposits in Percentage.

  10. Circle Office: Select the Circle Office.

  11. TDS: Check Mark this box if TDS is applicable.

  12. Contract Status (करार स्थिती): Enter Contract Status - New, Reported or Cancel.

  13. HTS:

Step 3: Click on "Save".