ERPNext doesn't have a built-in feature for managing villages directly. This approach involves creating a custom doctype specifically for managing village information. You can define fields for village name, circle office, route, distance, taluka, district, state, and pin code.

Prerequisites for village

  1. State

  2. District

  3. Taluka

  4. Circle Office

  5. Village

  6. Route


Sugar Mill > Master > Village.

Steps to create a State in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to State and click on "Add State".

Step 2: Enter the State and click on "Save".


Sugar Mill > Master > District.

Steps to create a District in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to District and click on "Add District".

Step 2: Enter the name of the District and click on "Save".


Sugar Mill > Master > Taluka.


  1. District

  2. State

Steps to create a Taluka in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to Taluka and click on "Add Taluka".

Step 2: Enter the name of a Taluka. Select the District and State.

Step 3: Click on "Save".

Circle Office

Sugar Mill > Master > Circle Office.

Steps to create a Circle Office in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to Circle Office and click on "Add Circle Office".

Step 2: Enter the name of the Circle Office and click on "Save".


Sugar Mill > Master > Village.


  1. Taluka

  2. State

  3. Circle office

  4. District

Steps to create a Village in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to Village and click on "Add Village".

Step 2:

  • Village: Enter the name of a Village.

  • Taluka: Select the Taluka.

  • State: Select the State.

  • Circle Office: Select the Circle Office.

  • Distance KM: Mention the distance.

  • District: Select the District.

  • Pin Code: Enter the Pin Code.

Step 3: Click on "Save"


Sugar Mill > Master > Route.


  1. Taluka

  2. State

  3. Circle office

  4. District

  5. Village

Steps to create a Route in ERPNEXT:

Step 1: Go to Route and click on "Add Route".

Step 2:

  • Route Code: Enter Route Code.

  • Route: Enter the name of a Route.

  • Distance KM: Mention the distance.

  • Village: Select the Village.

  • Circle Office: Select the Circle Office.

  • Taluka: Select the Taluka.

  • District: Select the District.

  • State: Select the State.

  • Pin Code: Enter the Pin Code.

Step 3: Click on "Save".